The formula using the actual game settings is as follows (adding 'NPC' to the end of each setting name when dealing with NPCs): falling damage = ((height - fJumpFallHeightMin) * fJumpFallHeightMult) fJumpFallHeightExponent * modifiers Drowning The formulae given above are based on default settings. Therefore, using Unrelenting Force and other attacks that may push enemies off a significant height can be an effective method of attack. NPCs take more damage from falling than you do: NPC falling damage = ((height - 450) * 0.1) 1.65 * modifiers Falling damage can be avoided by landing in moderately deep water, by using the Become Ethereal shout before falling, or by being paralyzed on impact (most easily achieved by eating Netch Jelly DB). In general, falling more than three stories is potentially fatal. The graph shows falling damage (without the perk) by height in yards.Ī fall of up to about 9 yards will not hurt you however, the range of heights from which falling will hurt but not kill you is fairly narrow.
The second story of a house is about 4 yards up. The internal height units are 64 per yard. The Cushioned Heavy Armor perk reduces falling damage by half. By default, the amount of damage caused by falling is calculated as: Player falling damage = ((height - 600) * 0.1) 1.45 * modifiers Falling from a high place can damage your health or kill you.